
culture meme

This is where you get your culture fix. Your snap, crackle, and pop! Of pop culture, that is. Pop culture of then and now. And maybe not so popular. I’m going to try and challenge the status quo so… Here’s to broadening your cultural horizons and trying to live an unvaried life.

A review and recommendation blog of pop culture then and now. Occasionally, I will try to figure out why something is or was popular and other reasons why it should be popular or what it does or did for culture. Other times, I’ll just give something I enjoyed, why I enjoyed it, and why you might enjoy it. I’m not a culture guru but I am aiming to become one.

Understanding culture brings you closer to understanding the people and the time we live in.

*If you only want to read about one category, scroll down to categories to the bottom of the page and pick your poison. (Or click here:  Books, Movies, Music, Plays, TVshows)

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